Cherry eye in dogs can appear very alarming, as a red, angry looking lump develops in the corner of your dog’s eye – many say that this looks a bit like a cherry. The condition usually requires surgery, but the good news is that it’s usually very treatable and with speedy veterinary help, your four-legged friend will be on the road to recovery in no time.
Keep reading to find out what cherry eye is and the treatment options available.
What is cherry eye in dogs?
Dogs have a third eyelid – also known as the nictitating membrane – which is located inside the lower eyelid. The function of this third eyelid is to slide across the front of the eye when needed, providing an extra layer of protection. The third eyelid also contains a tear gland, and cherry eye occurs when this gland ‘pops out’ or prolapses. The prolapsed gland can appear red and swollen. Sometimes, it pops in and out of its own accord, meaning that you may only notice the cherry eye periodically. However, even if the signs are intermittent, it’s still important to get your dog checked out by your vet.
What causes cherry eye?
It is not fully understood why some dogs are more likely than others to develop cherry eye. However, as VCA Hospitals explain, it is thought that the fibrous tissue that attaches the gland of the third eyelid to the lower inner rim of the eye is relatively weak in some breeds. The breeds that most commonly develop cherry eye include:
Shar Peis
Cocker Spaniels
Great Danes
French Bulldogs
English Bulldogs
Cherry eye is most likely to occur in dogs aged between six months and two years old. However, it can happen to any dog of any breed, at any life stage.
Symptoms of cherry eye
Luckily the symptoms of cherry eye in dogs are quite easy to spot – be on the lookout for the following signs: